Researcher Biographies

justinJUSTIN LOUIS COUETIL, B.S. in Biochemistry

Purdue Art Community; IEEE Grand Prix; Frenchman; LORRE

Thesis: Usage of cross flow microfiltration for food safety in pathogen detection.

Justin was dropped by the stork in West Lafayette, in 1997. West Lafayette High School had the honor of his attendance for a time and he eventually enrolled with Purdue, under the watchful eye of faculty parental units. Justin enjoys art, cars, music, food, travel, and plans on going to medical school.

Follow Justin’s research on the 1903-04 art scene by clicking here.

CHARLENE RENEE DYKSTRA, B.S. in Biologycharlene 2

Honors College, Biology Club

Thesis: The Study of the Adaptation and Lifecycles of Human Papilloma Virus

“Char” blew onto Purdue’s campus from hearty Brookfield, Wisconsin where she spent her youth immersed in the different disciplines of the arts but ultimately turned her attention to the sciences. The Small Animal Teaching Hospital quickly became her second home on the Purdue campus as she spends more time there than in her dorm room. She can also more often be found sleeping on one of the benches inside Wetherill as she awaits her next class.

Follow Charlene’s research on masculinity by clicking here.

cat 2CATHERINE EPHLIN, “Cat,” Copley, Ohio

Animal Sciences with Pre-Veterinary Concentration; Block and Bridle; Purdue Equine Assisted Programs Public Relations Officer; Lab Volunteer for Dr. O’Haire in the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine

Follow Cat’s research on animals at Purdue by clicking here.

KEITH HECKLER, B.S. in Science.

keith 2Keith is a freshman here at Purdue and is from Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s currently studying to be an actuary although it seems like he along with everyone else still isn’t quite sure of what an actuary is. During the Fall, Keith can be seen on the football field or in the stands playing alto saxophone for the AAMB. However, now that the season is over, he has found other ways to occupy his time. He is currently rushing the fraternities KKPsi and AKPsi as well as running his own business back home through an internship with CalRob Venture Group.

Follow Keith’s research on fashion and time consciousness by clicking here.


Honors College, Biology Club, Purdue Cheer and Stunt Club, Crukynnedy 2

Kynnedy arrived at Purdue from Indianapolis, Indiana following close behind the footsteps of her older sister. She can be found studying at the quietest spots on campus, savoring her signature Caramel Mocha coffee from Starbucks. Whether she is on the fourth floor of HSSE library or the third floor of the MATH building, her nose is buried in her books studying intensely for her upcoming exam. Whenever she is not studying, Kynnedy enjoys hanging out with her friends, and watching movies while demolishing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked ice cream.

Follow Kynnedy’s research on school spirit by clicking here.

michael 2MICHAEL TYRE KINASIEWICZ, Exploratory Studies / Prospective Engineering Major

After spending 18 years in the far reaches of eastern Chicagoland, Michael Kinasiewicz finally yielded to his parents’ and grandparents’ legacy and enrolled at Purdue University. Following in the footsteps of his father, Michael can usually be found ‘getting shredded’ at the gym, or, in the footsteps of most drop-outs, programming digital instruments in his Shreve dorm room.

Follow Michael’s research on masculinity and violence by clicking here.

devyn 2DEVYN ISAIAH MAUGEL, “D Maugs,” Wakarusa, Indiana

Purdue Student English Association, Liberal Arts Student Council, B.A. in English

Thesis: Discovering Purdue’s history in the performing arts during 1903 and 1904

A recluse on campus, the only time you see Devyn is when he is tripping up the stairs of HSSE Library or eating five bowls of macaroni at Hilly B.

Follow Devyn’s research on femininity and scholarship by clicking here.

KAYLA NICOLE MILLER, B.S. in Chemistry Education.kayla 2

Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma (1) (2); Philanthropy Chair (2); Purdue Music Organizations (1) (2) (3)

Thesis: How to Teach Kids to Love Chemistry.

Miss Miller hails from the stirring hamlet of Brownsburg, Indiana where she learned the art of making friends. She is one of the most talkative individuals in the College of Science, and it is no surprise that she is soon to be married to a lucky fellow from her hometown. When she is not tripping over her dress or laughing hysterically, you can find her singing to herself and studying for her next Chemistry exam.

Follow Kayla’s research on student life by clicking here.


Selena was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and spent her pre-college years in every club possible and doing anything that involved being with animals–that’s probably the reason why she chose to come to Purdue to get her B.S. in Animal Sciences with a Pre-Veterinary Concentration. She is hard to find on Purdue Campus (always moving about, that one), but your best bet is to go to her room on a Saturday night where she will be found eating candy corn and Cheez-It snack mix while watching a movie with her roommate and friends. However, don’t be surprised if you don’t find her there. It means she’s out partying or hanging out and playing cards with her BGR group.

Follow Selena’s research on the emotional effects of the train wreck by clicking here.


Allison is a freshman at Purdue from Bellevue, Washington. After spending her whole childhood in Bellevue she decided she needed a change, so she moved out to West Lafayette for college. Her major is still undecided, although she thinks she has narrowed it down to either psychology or public health, but please do not ask her for a definitive answer, as that stresses her out. Allison considers herself an easy-going, adventure-seeking individual with a passion for quality coffee. Her life goals include traveling the world and having a German Shepard.

Follow Allison’s research on international student life by clicking here.

susie 2SUSANNE KAY STALKER, B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering Technology

Women in Aviation, Air Race Classic, Aviation Technology Engineering and Maintenance

Thesis: Noise Reducers in Airplanes

Susanne comes from a small town in northeast Wisconsin, and goes by the name Susie. She is not afraid to be happy, even when there is a blizzard out and everyone else is miserable. She is also a big Green Bay Packer fan and is proud to call herself a Cheese Head.

Follow Susie’s research on animal mascots by clicking here.


Connor’s current distractions in life include the Purdue Hyperloop Team, Entrepreneurial Ventures, and the pursuit of a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Physics. His future distractions are not yet known.

Follow Connor’s research on academic life at Purdue by clicking here.

ELIZABETH ANN WALKER, “lizzypop15,” B.A. in English/Pre-Law and Acting

liz 2Purdue Navigators, Dammon Dean’s Scholar, Purdue Honors College, Purdue Theatre

“Liz’s” real name is Elizabeth, but as she considers herself fun-loving, spunky, youthful individual, she doesn’t like to thrust her formal name on others often. A McDonald’s diet-coke addict, Liz cherishes the moments when her roommate is away so she can eat an entire box of Cheese-its and wear her tiara around the room without the judgement of another human being. If you’re interested in knowing what non-academic things go on in her scattered brain, check out for more of her writing.

Follow Liz’s research on femininity by clicking here.

Photography by Purdue University Libraries’ Communication Coordinator Teresa Brown.